School kids in Yei writing exams ‘in chain and padlocks’ as form of discipline from father

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[Yei, South Sudan] Two primary one kids in Yei, Central Equatoria State are writing their final examinations with legs chained and padlocked as form of disciplinary action imposed on them by the father. The two boys aged 7 and 9, who are studying at St Paul Primary School in Yei, have been padlocked and chained by the father at night. According to the mother of the kids, Victoria S., she said, the father charged the kids of being naughty, and reporting home late as well as not attending classes when sent to school. The mother also confirmed that the children do not reach to school when send to school. “They come home late. So he chained them so that they will listen”, said Victoria the mother of five. The mother reported that the father entered through a window at night into the house where the children were sleeping, chained and padlocked them thinking it could be an alternative solution of disciplining the children. The mother also described that the father had earlier beaten the children, beating them with bicycle padlock which inflicted wounds on their bodies of these kids. But she reported it to the school administration so that a solution may be found. Lomuja Moses Joseph, the Head Teacher of St Paul Primary School, said the incident was the first of its kind in the school, however, he intervene as the children were given unfair punishment. “We discussed with these parents earlier and sent them home warning them that, canning will not be a solution to these children. It is actually the first of its kind to see these kind of incidents”, he told TCT at the school on Friday. According to the head teacher, the school administration and parents had lengthy discussions on the situation of the children with the parents accepting to change mentality of treating the children badly. He called on parents to cease from corporal punishment against children, pleading to the local government to ‘take action’. The head teacher also disclosed other incidents which have happened to other children. He said he was informed about a parent who punished his child by using heated fork spoon and pressed it on the chest. The head teacher also said, a soldier by profession went to the school and asked for permission to let him kill his child claiming his child was difficult to discipline. According to subsection (f) in section 1 of article 17 of the South Sudan Transitional Constitution 2011, “every child has the right to be free from corporal punishment and cruel and inhuman treatment by any person including parents, school administrations and other institutions.” The Inspector of Gender and Social Welfare in Yei Municipality, Juma Denis Daniel, warned the parents to face legal action, should they fail to set the children free to avoid continuous violation of their rights. He described the incident inflicted against the two children as a “complete mistreatment of children and denial of child rights to other entitled rights” including right to feeding, freedom and protection. The government officer warned after meeting the school administration and the parent at the school and called for collective responsibility of the government, community to tackle abuses against children rights. “Corporal punishment and cruelty against children would lead to psychological torture”, he said. The two children attend primary one class along with other 58 pupils. There are 380 pupils at St. Paul’s Primary School altogether. Efforts to reach the accused father for comments on the accusation was unsuccessful.
[Yei, South Sudan] Two primary one kids in Yei, Central Equatoria State are writing their final examinations with legs chained and padlocked as form of disciplinary action imposed on them by the father. The two boys aged 7 and 9, who are studying at St Paul Primary School in Yei, have been padlocked and chained by the father at night. According to the mother of the kids, Victoria S., she said, the father charged the kids of being naughty, and reporting home late as well as not attending classes when sent to school. The mother also confirmed that the children do not reach to school when send to school. “They come home late. So he chained them so that they will listen”, said Victoria the mother of five. The mother reported that the father entered through a window at night into the house where the children were sleeping, chained and padlocked them thinking it could be an alternative solution of disciplining the children. The mother also described that the father had earlier beaten the children, beating them with bicycle padlock which inflicted wounds on their bodies of these kids. But she reported it to the school administration so that a solution may be found. Lomuja Moses Joseph, the Head Teacher of St Paul Primary School, said the incident was the first of its kind in the school, however, he intervene as the children were given unfair punishment. “We discussed with these parents earlier and sent them home warning them that, canning will not be a solution to these children. It is actually the first of its kind to see these kind of incidents”, he told TCT at the school on Friday. According to the head teacher, the school administration and parents had lengthy discussions on the situation of the children with the parents accepting to change mentality of treating the children badly. He called on parents to cease from corporal punishment against children, pleading to the local government to ‘take action’. The head teacher also disclosed other incidents which have happened to other children. He said he was informed about a parent who punished his child by using heated fork spoon and pressed it on the chest. The head teacher also said, a soldier by profession went to the school and asked for permission to let him kill his child claiming his child was difficult to discipline. According to subsection (f) in section 1 of article 17 of the South Sudan Transitional Constitution 2011, “every child has the right to be free from corporal punishment and cruel and inhuman treatment by any person including parents, school administrations and other institutions.” The Inspector of Gender and Social Welfare in Yei Municipality, Juma Denis Daniel, warned the parents to face legal action, should they fail to set the children free to avoid continuous violation of their rights. He described the incident inflicted against the two children as a “complete mistreatment of children and denial of child rights to other entitled rights” including right to feeding, freedom and protection. The government officer warned after meeting the school administration and the parent at the school and called for collective responsibility of the government, community to tackle abuses against children rights. “Corporal punishment and cruelty against children would lead to psychological torture”, he said. The two children attend primary one class along with other 58 pupils. There are 380 pupils at St. Paul’s Primary School altogether. Efforts to reach the accused father for comments on the accusation was unsuccessful.
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