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[Juba, South Sudan, TCT, By Francis Mading Kuol] South Sudan is a country full of ambitious talents and creators in all fields able to raise the name of South Sudan high in international forums.

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[Juba, South Sudan, TCT, By ZITA PENZI, Guest Writer]  Last week, some suspected robbers were arrested during a crackdown in the city. They have often been branded as, “hard core” criminals by some crime busters in Juba City because their activities nearly converted the city into a pariah of insecurity.

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By Guest Writer

[Rokon, South Sudan, TCT] On 12thSeptember, this writer had the chance to meet and talk to Hon. Simon Muzee Noel, Commissioner of Rokon County: The stout, dark skinned man is soft spoken but his words are heavy with optimism for his county’s residents and his fellow South Sudanese.

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