[Yei, South Sudan, TCT] Christians across South Sudan celebrates Christmas in style. The Christians from different denominations in Yei on Wednesday erected a tall cross in the center of town portraying a sign of their faith in Jesus Christ to the world. A cross more than 30 meters tall could be seen far away by many people.
“This first of its kind in Yei”, a bystander of Christian faith said in astonishment.
This cross has written slogans on top of it saying “Yei for Jesus" while at the bottom, the writing says “Ngun kata" the words in Bari language for “God is present”.
Thousands of Christians participated in the procession that was led by the Brass band and followed by the church choir from Yei Teachers’ Training College, to the installation ground at the police roundabout of the town center.
The Christians had a smooth procession with lots of gospel songs, sung while systematically marching from St. Joseph Catholic Parish, about a mile away from the town, till they reached Yei Traffic police round about where it was finally installed.
Amidst hardships, many people in Yei have been tolerant, trusting God when comes difficult situations that are beyond their control. Church has done great work in preaching gospel of Jesus Christ giving hope to the people despite the current economic hardships in the country.
Speaking to TCT at the scene of prayers, the pioneer of "Yei for Jesus" project, Mandela Wani said the cross reflects the faithful commitment of the Christians in Yei. The faithful have persevered in difficulties and fought courageously against 'demonic situations' that keep occurring in the society.
"This initiative just came to me in a dream like taking the situations that people have been facing in Yei for many years. A lot of things have been happened, but if you see the end result it is demonic attack that comes and disappeared, something that cannot be comprehend. Therefore, I came up with the idea that this is the land that people trust God, and if they trust Him, they must say our faith is nailed on the cross and our problems thrown to the cross. So, the symbol of the cross at town center is the manifestation of our faith so that world may see the cross of Jesus” Mandela explained.
According to Wani, there are misfortunes happening in Yei but people still say Ngun kata (God is present).
“The faith of the people of Yei is being laid on the cross. That is why we have to exhibit it,” he said.
Adding that, the project will take another cross to Yei airstrip next Year before planning a gradually extension to neighboring counties Morobo, Lainya and eventually entire South Sudan towns. The project sustainability entirely depends on personal funding.
Mandela underscored the importance for the civil population to "embrace the culture of peace" and that the procession led by the cross must be a remembrance of believers following Christ who have made self-sacrifice for the world's peace and salvation.
Yei Municipal Mayor Santo Paul Lasuba says the cross of Jesus represents peace, love and unity among the people in the county and in the municipality.
"I want to thank the organizers. There are many bad things that happened in other places here in Yei but we have been safe through God’s mighty hand. This is a very good sign that the nation will have peace, unity and love with one another", he said.