WCC calls for prayers, help for earthquake survivors in Indonesia

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[Geneva, WCC] As the death toll from an earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia soared above 800 on Sunday, World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit urged all people of good will across the world to reach out in support, care, help and prayer to thousands of earthquake survivors coping with the aftermath.

“My prayers are with them and those who lost their lives, and their bereaved families,” Tveit said. “Our lives are vulnerable. Kyrie eleison. God, have mercy!”

The 7.5-magnitude earthquake struck on 28 September on the island of Sulawesi. On 30 September, officials said they expect the death toll to climb as rescuers sifted through the destruction. Aftershocks were still rocking the region, with more than 2.4 million people affected by the quake.

The quake comes weeks after a 5 August earthquake hit the Indonesian island of Lombok, killing more than 430 people.

ACT Alliance response: Earthquake in Central Sulawesi

Christian Conference of Asia

WCC member churches in Indonesia


Source: WCC

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