UK Ambassador disputes reports of UK sending peacekeeping troops to South Sudan

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[Juba, South Sudan, TCT] The United Kingdom – UK released statement disputing media reports that UK will sent troops to South Sudan as UN peacekeeping mission.

Ambassador Tim Morris issued statement on Friday saying no decision made for UK troops to United Nations Peacekeeping in South Sudan.

“There have been reports in the press of British contribution to United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). No decision on further contribution has been made,” Said Ambassador Morris clarifying media reports.

He confirmed British supports to UN Mission in the World, saying that,

“The United Kingdom, as a strong supporter of the United Nations, makes frequent contributions of personnel peacekeeping missions, including UNMISS in South Sudan,” read statement.

However, the recent signed compromise peace agreement in South Sudan spelt out that, the UN peacekeeping troops will be deployed in the country to protect civilians and to monitor smooth implementation of the agreement.


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