Let us accept this love before it is too late

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The greatest LOVE on earth was born unto earth on the coldest day of the year on 25th December. Jesus Christ, born of a Virgin Mary, set the greatest example of LOVE that the world has ever seen or will be seen.

The greatest LOVE on earth was born unto earth on the coldest day of the year on 25th December. Jesus Christ, born of a Virgin Mary, set the greatest example of LOVE that the world has ever seen or will be seen.

The suffering he faced when he carried the cross up to where he was crucified was not a simple thing to do. His sacrifice, his love and his mercy set the greatest example of LOVE.

The most beautiful and perfect definition of LOVE is given in 1Corinthians13:4-7,

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." (ESV).

The love we have for our sons and daughters or for parents or spouses or for friends, do you think it fulfils this kind of LOVE? I guess NO, right! It lacks one thing or another. Our LOVE always fails somewhere, somehow. But the true kind of LOVE is only found in the LOVE of Jesus Christ for mankind. Look at the Life of Jesus Christ in the Bible, you will find all of these criteria of Love being fulfilled.


My Question now is: Do you love Jesus Christ?


We all know how much a one-sided love affair hurts us. Then if we don’t have any love for Jesus Christ, imagine how much he is hurt. He gave his LIFE for us, he endures all the pain and suffering for us, he loves us like his own soul, but yet we have forgotten about him and we don’t give a damn!


There are thousands of religions in this world with different kinds of teachings. Can you find any of their leaders sacrificing their own life for the LOVE of mankind? Can you find any other God who rises for eternity from death? Can you find anyone who raises people from death?


Please look and study the life of the gods of other religions. Do you find the kind of LOVE that Jesus gave to the mankind?


God is the creator of heaven and Earth and all things in it. Isn’t it obvious that He should love us like his own soul? So it is for us to decide whom we should believe. For soon there will be a judgement day where we will all be judged. And before that day comes, we need to accept his love.


I want to remind you the verses John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (ESV).

Life on earth is just a journey and a test to prove the love for God. Sooner or later our life on earth will be over. And after that where do you think your soul would go? There is life in Heaven and Hell, we often have heard from our childhood. It is for us to decide now.


I want to remind you that we are made by God’s own hand, and we belong to Heaven. Let’s not become the black sheep of the family that we won’t be fit in Heaven – our own home. So let us accept this Love of Jesus Christ before it is too late.


(This article was written by Thanreichan Ruiva, and MBA student in Gauhati Commerce College, Guwahati, India).

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