[AI] Bishop Charlie Masters has just welcomed Bishop Terry Buckle and his wife Blanche into the Anglican Network in Canada. They continue to reside in Whitehorse, Yukon. Bishop Terry is a retired Bishop of the Diocese of Yukon and a former Metropolitan within the Anglican Church of Canada.
As of June 14th, 2018, Bishop Terry has relinquished the exercise of ministry in the Anglican Church of Canada and was welcomed to the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) by Bishop Charlie early in July.
As a retired bishop in ANiC, he will be given a General Permission from Bishop Charlie to exercise all the priestly functions such as preaching, teaching, and celebrating the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.
Bishop Charlie stated, “We are delighted to welcome such a godly, orthodox bishop, whom we have known for many years, into our midst. His partnership in the Gospel, his passion for the Gospel, his supportive friendship and his many years of experience in Christian service, and now his excitement about continuing to serve the Lord Jesus, will be a blessing to the future of the Anglican Network in Canada."
Please keep Bishop Terry and Blanche in your prayers as they begin this new and exciting chapter with us.