Rebel leader orders his forces not to commit sexual violence

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[Juba, South Sudan, TCT] The leader of the National Redemption Front, General Thomas Srielo Swaka, is quoted to have issued an order instructing his forces not to be involved in rape and sexual violence in their positions.

[Juba, South Sudan, TCT] The leader of the National Redemption Front, General Thomas Srielo Swaka, is quoted to have issued an order instructing his forces not to be involved in rape and sexual violence in their positions.

The leader of the National Salvation Front, one of the armed rebels sent the statement to media houses last week. Gen. Thomas said women and girls still faced the challenges of crimes of sexual violence.

Soba Samuel Manasseh, spokesman for the NSF rebel group, confirmed the statement issued by the leadership of the Front, which requires his troops not to be involved in crimes of sexual violence, stating that anyone who violates the instructions will expose himself to the legal issue, and will be prosecuted under military law.

The National Redemption Front, led by General Thomas Cirilo did not sign a revitalized peace deal signed by the government and opposition movements on September 12 last year in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.

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