South Sudanese youth harvests four tons of sorghum to fight hunger

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[Bor, South Sudan, TCT] A young South Sudanese farmer has produced nearly 4 tons of sorghum from his 12-hectare farm in an effort to improve food security in the poverty debilitating young nation.

A 32-year, Abel Majur Leek told TCT recently on his farm in Bor South Sudan’s Jonglei state that it is possible for one to feed masses, if only populaces can all embark on farming despite the present obstacles in the nation.

Leek graduated in 2013 from Moi University with a bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications but could not find a job for five years. He said his journey in search for job prompted him to venture into farming to earn a living. He said, he has now employed 7 staff on his farm.worker drying produce in the field

“After I came to Juba upon my graduation, life was so challenging without a job to earn me a living, I then decided to travel to my home state and embark on agriculture. Thanks to the fertile land,” said Leek.

The 32-year-old said, he started farming in 2016 with only 40,000 South Sudanese Pounds (SSP) an equivalent to 1,000 dollars on the then parallel exchange rate.
He stressed that he has never regretted the decision to abandon seeking a white-collar job to produce enough food to feed his family of six and earn enough money to take care of the family’s needs, as well savings.

“Farming is really helping my life as an individual. I am happy that I am self-reliant and I believe my innovation will lead me to be an Agro-entrepreneur in the future,” he said.

Earlier this year, South Sudan’s Jonglei state official pledged to reward farmers who harvest food and sell it in local markets to curb high food prices in the state.
“As we speak, I have produced 76 bags of sorghum and gave 20 bags to my workers for their home consumption. Out of that, 55 bags remain for sale,” he revealed.

Besides sorghum, Leek also produces peanuts and sim-sim. He urges more young South Sudanese to take up farming to help fight South Sudan’s food insecurity and to make a decent living.

“If all goes well, I earn at least 550,000 local currency an equivalent to 1,800 U.S. dollars. This will help me to buy seeds and fertilizers,” said Leek.

He called on the local people to embark on farming as the means to have access to affordable food in the country. The young entrepreneur now prefers spending his leisure time filling his organic, loamy soil producing food rather than working for western electronics manufactures as a telecommunications engineer.

“The farming I am doing is going to reduce the issue of imported food products,” he added. Leek acknowledged the fact that farmers like himself face enormous challenges which he did not disclosed.

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