South Sudan Government commits to clear fee arrears for its students in Zimbabwe

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[Juba, South Sudan, TCT] South Sudan government has come to the aid of its desperate students who have been held back from graduation due to tuition fees balance in Zimbabwe. Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Hon. Yen Oral Lam Tut in a meeting with the Zimbabwe vice-chancellor said the government is willing to clear the pending fees for the 69 South Sudanese awaiting graduation in Zimbabwe.

[Juba, South Sudan, TCT] South Sudan government has come to the aid of its desperate students who have been held back from graduation due to tuition fees balance in Zimbabwe. Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Hon. Yen Oral Lam Tut in a meeting with the Zimbabwe vice-chancellor said the government is willing to clear the pending fees for the 69 South Sudanese awaiting graduation in Zimbabwe.

“We shed light on the situation of poor students in Zimbabwe. We acknowledge that there were challenges hindering payment of tuition fees. The government of South Sudan is committed to pay the arrears of those students.” Yen told Journalists on Tuesday at the Ministry offices in Juba.

Meanwhile, the Vice-chancellor, Professor Victor Ngonzashi said he is very delighted to have South Sudanese Nationals graduating in Zimbabwe.

“We can confidently say their contribution to the national development will be felt in the coming years. They will be our ambassadors in terms of what kind of education system based on quality and the relevance that is going to makes a difference in this nation.”

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